Retrieving Data from a List

You can retrieve data from a list generated by a previous CreateList request by using a GetGroup request. The HANDLE, FROM VALUE, and TO VALUE can be defined in the request:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<jdeRequest type="list" user="JDE" pwd="JDE" role="*ALL" environment="PRODHP01">
 <ACTION TYPE="GetGroup">
  <HANDLE VALUE="lr4670001"/>
  <FROM VALUE="10"/>
  <TO VALUE="50"/>

The XML response lists records falling into the range specified. The default FROM value is the first record and the default TO value is the last record in the list. For a GetGroup request for the whole list, no FROM and TO values need to be specified. In this sample code, the response returns the records in the list from #10 to #50:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<jdeResponse type="list">
<returnCode code="0">XMLRequest OK</returnCode>
<ACTION TYPE="GetGroup">
<HANDLE VALUE="lr4670001"/>
   <FROM VALUE="10"/>
   <TO VALUE="50"/>
 <Format name="Standard"><Column name="X">abc</Column><Column name="Y">