Troubleshooting the Schema Generation Utility

This table provides resolutions for problems that might occur:



An error message appears after sign-on.

Ensure that all the given credentials (user name, password, environment, and role) are correct.

C:\SchemaGenUtil\logs directory is getting full of files. Can some of the .log and/or .xml files in that directory be deleted?

Delete any files in that directory at any time. If the Schema Generation Utility application is running, some of the files may be locked.

An error message that you do not understand appears in the Error Messages field.

Look at C:\SchemaGenUtil\logs directory for the jasdebug_date.log file that corresponds to the appropriate date. Often a more explanatory error message can be found in this log file.

Specification not found error is displayed in the Error Messages field.

Verify that the selected event is active and available in the environment that you indicated.

This type of error message will read similar to this: Spec not found for requested template: EventCategory: EventType