XML Transaction Update Process

To insert data into JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, you use a formatted XML document. The XML document includes a predefined transaction type, such as JDEOPIN. The XML document identifies one or more JD Edwards EnterpriseOne interface tables and lists all of the data (data type and actual data values) to be updated.

This illustration shows the XML Transaction update process.

XML Transaction data update process flow

In summary:

  • A request in the form of an XML document contains a list of the data for a predefined transaction type.

  • XML Transaction parses the XML inbound document and inserts the data into a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne inbound interface table.

  • XML Transaction adds a subsystem data queue record to inform the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne subsystem to process the added record.

  • The system sends a response to the requestor indicating whether the insertion into the interface table and the subsystem data queue addition were successful.