Compound and Component Names for a Business Service

By design, the internal value object has a flat hierarchical structure, meaning that the structure contains few, if any, compounds and components. Compounds and components that exist within an internal value object should be named similarly; for example, the compound name should be prefaced with the word Internal (such as, InternalPhones).

The following code sample shows an internal value object class that has one compound (internalPhones) and many field names (szAlphaName, szSearchType, and so on) at the top level that correspond to business function data structure member names.

public class InternalAddAddressBook extends ValueObject {
   private String szLongAddressNumber;
   private MathNumeric mnAddressBookNumber;
   private String szTaxId;
   private String szMailingName;
   private String szAddressLine1;
   private String szAddressLine2;
   private String szAddressLine3;
   private String szAddressLine4;
   private String szPostalCode;
   private String szCity;
   private String szCounty;
   private String szState;
   private String szCountry;
   private String szAlphaName;
   private String szSearchType;    
   private String szVersion;
   private String szBusinessUnit;
   private Date jdDateEffective;
   private ArrayList internalPhones;  