Naming Conventions for Versions

If you determine that you must change the behavior or interface of an existing published business service, you can create a version of the original published business service. When you create a version of a published business service, the name of the versioned published business service must clearly indicate that it is a version of an original published business service. This enables users of the web service to choose the version with the desired behavior and interface.

Changes requiring versioning require new methods and value objects with a version appended to their name; for example, myMethodV2 and ValueObjectV3. For field changes, you may need to version multiple value objects, depending on the depth of placement of the new fields.

For example, a published business service exposes the method processAddressBook. An enhancement request requires that 10 new address book fields be exposed and processed by the method. The new method name will be processAddressBookV2. The original value object that will contain the new fields is called AddressBook. You copy the original value object, AddressBook to a new value object called AddressBookV2. Then you create a new top-level value object named processAddressBookV2 that contains the new version of the value object (AddressBookV2) and maps to the new fields.