Published Value Object Structure and Data Types

The published input value object must extend the ValueObject foundation class. The published confirm or response value object contains warning messages that were returned from the business processing and must extend the MessageValueObject foundation class. All published value objects must have a default constructor.

This table lists the valid data types for published value objects:

Valid Data Type



Use for string or char fields in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.


Use for JDEDate or UTIME fields in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.


Use for MathNumeric fields defined with 0 decimals, for example, mnAddressNumber, mnShortItemNumber, and so on.


Use for MathNumeric fields defined with >0 decimals, for example, mnPurchaseUnitPrice.


Use for char fields specified only as true/false or 0/1 Boolean fields.

Value object classes can be reused when a business service calls a utility or for calls between business services that depend on one another—such as AddressBook and Supplier. For example, you can reuse the Entity class from the EntityProcessor utility business service by importing the class from the utility's package.