Understanding Database Operations

Database operations include query, insert, update, and delete. Business services that publish insert, update, and delete database operations should be exposed for staging tables only. Staging tables are Z files (interface tables) that mimic JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables. Some examples of Z files are F0101Z2 Address Book, F03012Z1 Customer Master, and F0401Z1 Supplier Master. Instead of directly updating a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database table, data is updated to the appropriate Z file, where batch processes validate the data before updating the database. If you are not using a Z file, you should call a business function to process the data so that proper data validation can be implemented and data integrity maintained.

Many of the rules for business services that call database operations are the same as the rules for business services that call business functions, but some exceptions and differences exist. The exceptions and differences are discussed in this chapter for each of the different types of operations.