Understanding the GL Account Processor Business Service

The GL Account Processor business service (J0900010) provides a published interface that exposes four ways to provide general ledger account information.

The GL Account Processor business service retrieves account information based on input that is supplied by the published business service that calls the utility. This utility business service processes data in these ways:

  • Retrieves GL Account Long ID, GL Account Alternate data, and account information from objectAccount, businessUnit, and subsidiary fields when GL Account ID is supplied as the input field.

  • Retrieves GL Account ID, GL Account Alternate data, and account information from objectAccount, businessUnit, and subsidiary fields when Account Long ID is supplied as the input field.

  • Retrieves GL Account ID, GL Account Long ID data, and account information from objectAccount, businessUnit, and subsidiary fields when Account Alternate is supplied as the input field.

  • Retrieves GL Account ID, GL Account Long ID, and GL Account Alternate data when account information fields (objectAccount, businessUnit and subsidiary) are supplied as the input field.