Using Softcoding

Softcoding is a way to dynamically provide the where and who information to the web service proxy. The web service proxy needs to know exactly which machine to call for the service (the where), and it needs to know the credentials to pass for the call (the who). Also, values you use to test your business server in the development environment probably will be different from the actual values that are used in the production environment. Softcoding allows the where and who values to be plugged in at runtime instead of hard-coding these values into the business service.

A web service proxy has at least one softcoding template and one softcoding record; but a web service proxy can have many templates and many records. You can use softcoding templates to create softcoding records. Using a softcoding template is productive because softcoding records have similar values. Using a template also helps to minimize typing errors when you are entering record information.