Accumulated Amounts for UTEs for Contractor Services Withholding

The system determines accumulated amounts and calculates withholding for each member of a temporary enterprise union (UTE), based on the percentage of participation of each member. The amount that accumulates for each UTE member is based on the participation percentage of the member. If your contractor is a member of a UTE and a supplier of contracted services outside of the UTE, the system accumulates the payment amounts for the contractor for both the vouchers paid to the UTE and for the vouchers processed for the individual.

For example, suppose that Supplier 100 is a UTE. Supplier ABC is a member of the UTE, and has a 25% participation rate. When the system accumulates amounts for supplier ABC, it uses 25% of the payments made to Supplier 100, and all of the payment amounts made to Supplier ABC for invoices paid to Supplier ABC for contractor services that are not included in an invoice to the UTE.