Adding Information for TXT Payments

You can use the Additional Payment Information program (P76A0440) to add the information that is required for payments with endorsed checks. You can also use this program to enter payment detail information for payments that were made by other means.

The system uses information from the standard payment tables and information from the processing options of the TXT Payment Generation program (R76A0441) to generate the TXT payment report.

You can modify and delete information in the Additional Payment Information program until you have processed that information by running the TXT Payment Generation program in final mode.

To change the bank tax ID (type 03 or 06) for an existing check, you must delete the record and add a new one. You cannot change the bank tax ID.

The system saves information that you enter in the Additional Payment Information program to the Check Details RG1547 - ARG - 04 table (F76A0440).