Considerations and Limitations of the AFIP CITI Application

You can import data in the AFIP CITI application in either of these modes:

  • File with no processing

  • Grouping and ledgering file

The AFIP CITI application considers the file to be a file with no processing if the information that is being imported was generated in detail. That is, the import file contains a record for each transaction, regardless of the amount of fiscal credit. This option requires more processing time because the AFIP CITI application has to summarize those transactions with a fiscal credit lower than 500.

The AFIP CITI application considers the file to be a grouping and ledgering file if the information that is being imported was generated from the summary of the transactions with fiscal credit does not exceeding 500. This option uses less processing time because the AFIP CITI application imports the information only.

You can choose which of these two options to use by completing the processing options for the minimum amount of fiscal credit for the Process Purchase Documents program (R76A8092) and the Process Own Credit Notes program (R76A8093). If you specify 0 in these processing options, the AFIP CITI application processes the file with no processing. If you specify 500,00 in these processing options, the AFIP CITI application processes the file as a grouping and ledgering file.