Contractor Withholding Process Flow

To work with withholding for contractor services:

  1. Set up the base software and Argentina-specific software to work with companies, suppliers, vouchers, and payments.

    See the documentation for your release.

    See Setting Up Contractor Withholding for Argentina.

  2. Validate that accumulated amounts for base and withholding amounts in the Contract Withholding – Payments Done table (F76A430) match the amounts for base and withholding amounts in the Accounts Payable Matching Document Detail table (F0414).

    You might have transactions in your system prior to installing the updated software for contractor withholding for which you must calculate withholding and print the withholding certificate. The accumulated amounts for the payment and the contractor withholding must be added to the F76A430 table so that the system correctly applies withholding to future payments. You run the Contract Services WH Integrity Report program (R76A431) to identify these transactions and populate the F76A430 table. Generally, you complete this validation only when you install the software.

    See Generating the Contractor Service WH Integrity Report.

  3. Enter vouchers for Argentine suppliers, including withholding concepts.

    See the section about entering vouchers for Argentina in the documentation for your release.

  4. Set the processing options for the PO - PCG process - ARG program (P76A570) and set up a corresponding version of the PO - PCG process - ARG program (P76A570) and the Create Payment Control Groups program.

  5. Create payment control groups.

  6. Write and then Update payments.

  7. Post payments.