Entering Small Contributor Supplier Information

Access the A/B Withholding Information – Revision form.

Profit Withholding Condition – Argentina

Enter a value from the ARG-Profit WH Condition (76/03) UDC table to specify whether the supplier is registered, not registered, or is a small contributor. Examples of values are:

MON: Small contributor

NRE: Not registered

REG: Registered

Small Contributor Classification
Note: This field is present only when the value in the Profit Withholding Condition – Argentina field includes a code from UDC 76/03 that contains a value of M (Monotributista) in the first character of the Description 2 field of the UDC code.

Enter a value from the Small Contributor Classific. (76/13) UDC table to specify if the supplier provides goods or services. Examples of values are:

Blank: Not a small contributor

BIE: Goods

SER: Services