Entering Withholding Information for Argentina

Access the Withholding Additional Information Revision form.

Note: You must enter the same VAT withholding concept for all lines.
VAT Wh (value-added tax withholding)

Enter a value that exists in the ARG-VAT Withholding Concept (76/02) UDC table to specify the VAT withholding concept that applies to the voucher.

G.I. Agr (gross income agreement)

Enter a value that exists in the ARG-G.I. Agreement Code (76/01) UDC table to specify the gross income agreement that applies to the voucher.

GI CptSr (gross income concept source)

Enter a value that exists in the ARG-G.I. Concept - Source (76/05) UDC table to specify source of the gross income source.

GI StSr (gross income state source)

Enter a value that exists in the ARG-G.I. State - Source (76/09) UDC table to specify the source of the gross income state.

GI CptDt (gross income concept destination)

Enter a value that exists in the ARG-G.I. Concept-Destination (76/06) UDC table to specify the destination.

GI StDt (gross income state destination)

Enter a value that exists in the ARG-G.I. State-Destination (76/10) UDC table to specify the state of the destination.

Sm.Cont Class. (small contributor classification)

Enter the small contributor classification.

Pft WhCpt (profit withholding concept)

Enter a value that exists in the ARG-Profit WH Concept (76/04) UDC table to specify the concept of the profit.

Cnt Cpt (contract concept)

Enter a value that exists in the ARG-Contract Concept (76/07) UDC table to specify the concept of the contract.

S.U.S.S Cpt (sistema Ășnico de seguridad social concept)

Enter a value that exists in the SUSS Withholding Concept (76/11) UDC table to specify the S.U.S.S. concept.