Forms Used to Work With Vouchers for Argentina

Form Name

Form ID



Enter Voucher - Payment Information


Standard Voucher Entry (G0411), Standard Voucher Entry

Click Add on the Supplier Ledger Inquiry form.

Enter basic voucher information.

Voucher Additional Information Revision


Click OK on the Enter Voucher - Payment Information form.

Enter general voucher information for Argentina as well as import information. The information you enter applies to the entire voucher.

After you access this form, you must complete the transaction. You cannot cancel the transaction

Work With Supplier Ledger Additional Information


On the Supplier Ledger Inquiry form, select a record and click Regional Info from the Row menu

Enter additional voucher information.

G/L Distribution


Click OK on the Voucher Additional Information Revision form.

Enter GL distribution information for the voucher.

Withholding Additional Information Revision


Click OK on the Voucher Additional Information - Revision form.

Enter withholding information for each voucher pay item. You can specify different withholding concepts for different pay items.

Enter CAI Information


Set Up RG100 (G76A100), Work With CAI Number

Click Select on the Work With CAI Information form.

Assign CAI numbers to vouchers with the fiscal controller option.

Add Voucher Authorization Rules Maintenance


Additional Features – Set up (G76A116), Voucher Authorization Rules

Click Add on the Work with Voucher Authorization Rules Maintenance form.

Specify the users who can change the status of vouchers up to a given amount.