
These processing options control whether the system prints shipment notes and invoice location, runs in final mode, prints lot numbers, and defines the maximum print lines per page.

1. Enter 'Y' to print Shipment Notes.

Specify whether the system prints shipment notes. Values are:

Y: Print shipment notes.

N: Do not print shipment notes.

2. Enter Y to run in proof mode

Specify whether the system runs in proof or final mode. Values are:

Blank: Run in final mode.

Y: Run in proof mode.

3. Enter the Issue Place.

Enter the place where the invoice or the shipment note is printed.

4. Enter '1' to print Lot Number in Domestic Items (Not Imported).

Specify whether the system prints the lot number in domestic items. Values are:

Blank: Do not print the lot number.

1: Print the lot number in domestic items.

5. Enter the maximum number of detail lines per page.

Enter a line printer parameter that specifies the number of lines per page. For example, 60 or 66.