
Payment Instrument

Specify the payment type to assign to amounts for which a payment type has not been assigned in the F76A0440 table. Values are stored in the Payment Types (76A/PT) UDC table. If you leave this processing option blank, the report produces an error.

Tax Identification Number

Specify the signer tax ID to assign to amounts for which a signer tax ID has not been assigned in the F76A0440 table. The signer tax ID is required if the payment type is 06.

Clear File

Specify 1 to clear the F76A0441 table before generating new records. If you leave this processing option blank, the system adds new records without erasing previously processed records.

Note: If you use multiple versions of the TXT Payment Generation program, run the first version with this processing option set to 1 and subsequent versions with the processing option blank. If a version produces incorrect results, you must clear the file and run all versions again.

Enter 1 to run the program in final mode. If you leave this processing option blank, the system runs the program in proof mode.