Magnetic Support

1. Output Format

Specify if the system generates an output file according to the format specified for RG 3419, the format for RG 1361, or the format for RG3685. Values are:

1: The system uses the RG 3419 format.

2: The system uses the RG 1361 format.

3: The system uses the RG 3685 format. If you enter 3, the system generates a text batch in the text file processor tables.

If you enter any other value or leave the field blank, the system does not generate any output files.

2. RG3685 Service Imports File

Specify if you want to generate the Purchase VAT Report files for RG3685 or if you want to generate the Service Imports file for RG3685.

When you work with VAT reports for RG3685 you must enter a value of 4 in the processing option Output Format and set this option to the correct value.

Values are:

Blank: The system generates the following files:- The purchases text file with voucher information (RG3685 Purchase Voucher)- The purchases VAT text file with VAT amounts by voucher and tax rate (RG3685 VAT Rate Voucher)- The purchases imports text file with VAT amounts by tax rate (RG3685 VAT Imports).

1: The system generates only the services imports text file with voucher and payment information (RG3685 Service Imports).

If you enter the value 1 in this option, the system uses the From and Thru Dates entered in the Dates tab as the period when the payment takes place.

3. RG3685 Service Imports Doc Type

Select a value from the Service Imports Document Type UDC table (76A/SI) to specify the document type for Service Imports transactions that the system uses when you run the report to generate the 3685 Service Imports file.