
1. Processing Mode

Leave this processing option blank to generate the report in proof mode. When run in proof mode, the report does not update any tables.

Enter 1 to generate the report in final mode and update the page numbers, journal entries, and balances in the G/L Registration Balance table (F70404), and to print the report with titles and page numbers.

Enter 2 to generate the report in final mode and update the page numbers, journal entries, and balances in table F70404, and to print the report without page numbers.

2. Pending transactions

Enter 1 to check for transactions that are dated before the current period and do not have journal numbers assigned. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not check for pending transactions.

Caution: The system verifies pending transactions in proof mode only.
3. Process by Batch Number

Specify whether the system processes by batch number. Values are:

Blank: Does not process by batch number.

1: Processes by batch number.

Important: If you have summarized batches, you must set this processing option to 1.
3. Ledger Type Check Pending Transactions

Enter a value that exists in the Ledger Type (09/LT) UDC table to specifies the type of ledger. You can set up multiple, concurrent accounting ledgers within the general ledger to establish an audit trail for all transactions.