Payment Instruments (00/PY)

Set up UDC 00/PY to include the deferred check payment instrument (D), entering 1 in the first position of the Special Handling Code field as illustrated in this example:


Description 01

Special Handling Code


Draft by Invoice (A/R and A/P)


The system uses these values when you process deferred payments.

In addition to setting up payment instruments for standard payment processing, specify that no withholding takes place if withholding vouchers are written off when payments are made in bonds.

The system stores unfulfilled withholding in a table so that you can generate a report showing these amounts when required by the fiscal authority.

You specify whether withholding is saved in permanent files or in unfulfilled withholding tables by completing the Special Handling Code field for the payment instrument in UDC 00/PY. This UDC does not affect withholding calculations.

The value in the Special Handling Code field consists of these parts:



First Position

Specifies whether the payment is deferred. Values are:

  • 1: The payment is deferred.

  • Blank: The payment is not deferred.

Second Position

Specifies whether VAT is withheld. Values are:

  • Y: Withhold VAT.

  • N: Do not withhold VAT.

Third Position

Specifies whether profit taxes are withheld. Values are:

  • Y: Withhold profit taxes.

  • N: Do not withhold profit taxes.

Fourth Position

Specifies whether taxable amounts and profit withholding is stored in the Profit Withholding - Payments Done table (F760406A). Values are:

  • Y: Store amounts in the F760406A table.

  • N: Do not store amounts in the F760406A table.

Fifth Position

Specifies whether the system applies withholding taxes for security services. Values are:

  • Y: Apply withholding.

  • N: Do not apply withholding.

The system treats a blank value as a Y.

Sixth position

Specifies whether the system accumulates the withholding taxes in the F76A0456 table. Values are:

  • Y: Accumulate taxes.

  • N: Do not accumulate taxes.

The system treats a blank value as a Y.

This table lists the results of various special handling code combinations. The underlined character represents a blank space:

Special Handling Code



All withholding is made and the profits are accrued. This code is the same as leaving the Special Handling Code field blank.


VAT is withheld, but profits are not accrued.


VAT is withheld, but profits taxes are not withheld. The taxable amount is accrued for the unfulfilled withholding calculation.


VAT is withheld, but profits taxes are not; profits are not accrued.


VAT is not withheld; but profit taxes are withheld, and profits are accrued.


No taxes are withheld. The VAT and profit tax withholding are saved in temporary files, and profits are not accrued.

Note: If you include a 1 in the first position in any of the preceding combinations, the payment is considered to be a deferred payment.

This table is an example of payment instruments for Lecops payments:


Description 01

Description 02

Special Handling Code



No retiene ni acumula RET



Cheque dif con Lecops

No RET si acumula Gcias