Printing on Preprinted Forms with Page Breaks

The system uses the next legal number of an invoice (for the same company, issue place, and document type) when the invoice program detects a page break. This situation ensures that the legal numbers that are assigned by the system and the preprinted forms match.

You can also hide some fields, such as company information, invoice letter, and other data that are already included in the preprinted invoice.

The system creates a record in the F76A09 that contains the invoice internal number and type of document for each invoice, as well as a record for each legal number that is void. The Processed (Y/N) field (PRCS) of these records has a value of Y (for reclassified). A legal number is used for shipment notes; no records are created in the table.

The S.O. Detail Ledger File table (F42199) also saves the legal numbers of shipment notes as a backup.