Setting Up Gross Income Withholding Percentages

Access the Gross Income Percentage Revisions form.

Gross Income Concept Source

Enter a code that exists in the ARG - G.I. Concept - Source (76/05) UDC table to indicate the type of income, such as income from services, sale of goods, or other.

Gross Income Agreement Code

Enter a value that exists in the ARG - G.I. Agreement Code (76/01) UDC table to indicate the type of agreement.

Gross Income State Source

Enter a value that exists in the ARG - G.I. State - Source (76/09) UDC table to specify the state of origin.

Calculation Base Percentage

Enter the base amount on which the withholding percentage is calculated.

Amount to Use in Calculation

Enter a value that exists in the ARG - Item ABI - Allowed Values (76/A2) UDC table to specify the type of amount on which the calculations are made.

Amount to Compare

Enter a value that exists in the ARG - Item ABCN - allowed values (76/A1) UDC table to specify the type of amount to compare.

Legal Concept

Enter a value that exists in the ARG - Gross Income Legal Conc. (76/L2) UDC table to specify the concept that applies.