Setting Up VAT Withholding Percentages

Access the V.A.T. Withholding Percentages form.


Enter the company number for which you set up the withholding percentages.

VAT Withholding Concept

Enter a value that exists in the ARG-VAT Withholding Concept (76/02) UDC table.

Effective Date

Enter the first day on which the withholding term is effective.

Expiration Date

Enter the expiration date of the withholding terms.

% (percentage)

Enter the percentage of the withholding. The maximum value that you can enter is 999,99.

Legal Concept

Select a code value from the Arg. VAT Legal Concept UDC table (76/L1) that identifies the concept based on the tables from the tax authority.

Minimum Amount

Enter the minimum amount for withholding. The calculated withholding amount must be greater than this minimum amount to take effect.

Legal Concept

Enter a value that exists in the ARG-V.A.T. Legal Concept (76/L1) UDC table.

Calculation Basis (Release 9.2 Update)

Select a value from the Calculation Basis VAT WH UDC table (76A/CV) to indicate the concept that the system uses as the calculation basis for VAT Withholding.

Note: You should not modify the calculation basis for records that have been processed. If you must modify the calculation basis for existing records, Oracle strongly recommends that you change the Expiration Date of your existing records to the current date; and then generate new records that use the new calculation basis.