Setting Up Withholding Percentages

Access the Add Contract Services Withholding Percentages form.


Specify the company for which you set up the withholding percentage.

Cnt Cde (contract concept)

Enter a value from the ARG-Contract Concept (76/07) UDC table to specify the concept for which you set up the withholding percentage.

Effective Date

Enter the beginning of the date range for which the percentage is in effect.

Expiration Date

Enter the end of the date range for which the percentage is in effect.

Yearly Limit Amount

Enter the minimum amount on which withholding is calculated. The system does not calculate withholding payments until the supplier exceeds this amount.

% (percentage)

Enter the withholding percentage.

C A (amount type to use in calculation)

Enter a value from the ARG-Item ABI-Allowed Values (76/A2) to specify the amount on which to apply the percentage. Examples of values are:

1: Gross amount

2: Taxable amount

Leg Con (legal concept)

Enter a value from the ARG-Contract Legal Concept (76/L4) UDC table to specify the legal concept.