Understanding How to Change the Status of a Credit Invoice

Every credit invoice has a status that is associated with it. The status determines whether the credit invoice is available for processing different events in the credit invoice cycle.

The system stores the rules that it uses to perform these validations in the Credit Invoice Status Rules table (F76A26). Set up these rules to meet your needs.

Set up the initial status for credit invoices in the General Constants program (P76A20).

For example, you might create a rule that enables you to review a credit invoice before accepting it.

If the initial status is 01, you could set up these status rule to advance the status to 05 (To Accept) when you use the AP Review Credit Invoice program (P76A24) to review the credit invoice:

Accounts Payable Event

Credit Invoice Status From

Credit Invoice Status To


01 (Initial)

05 (To Accept)

After you review the credit invoice, this status rule advances the status when you run the acceptance process:

Accounts Payable Event

Credit Invoice Status From

Credit Invoice Status To


05 (To Accept)

10 (Accepted)