Understanding Setup for Withholding for Cleaning Services

AFIP (Administracion Federal de Ingresos Públicos) General Resolution 1556 established a withholding method for cleaning services, valid as of November 1, 2003. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software meets this requirement by using the same programs that are used for eventual services withholdings. This section explains how to set up these programs for both types of withholdings.

You cannot apply both SUSS withholdings and eventual services withholdings at the same time because the combination of the two withholdings might create an undue burden. However, if a company that provides eventual services also provides personnel to perform cleaning tasks, that company should not make withholdings for cleaning services under General Resolution 1556 because the company does not lose its position as provider of eventual services.

Add values for the withholding of taxes on cleaning services to:

  • S.U.S.S. W/H - Percentages (P760410A).

  • S.U.S.S. W/H - Exempt Percentages (P760416A).