Understanding the Create Payment Control Groups Process for Argentina

The Work With Payment Groups program (P04571) selects all of the vouchers with an expiration date that is earlier or the same as the one which is specified in the processing options. If the Pay Through Date processing option is blank, the system uses the payment date from the processing options for the PO - PCG process - ARG program (P76A570), to calculate withholdings and exchange rates.

When you create payment groups, the system generates a standard report showing the vouchers that were selected for the payment. It also generates the Print PCG Detail - ARG report (R760476A), which lists the payment amount and corresponding tax withholdings.

The Print PCG Detail - ARG report lists payment group details:

  • The bank account that is affected by the payment.

  • The currency in which the payment is made.

  • The total amount of the payment.

  • The name of the payee.

  • The type of document.

  • The number of vouchers that are paid.

  • The company that is assigned to the vouchers.

  • The invoice number of the vouchers.

  • The discount, if any.

  • The vouchers that are selected for the payment and a record for each tax withholding.

These tax withholdings reduce the payment amount and constitute a debt with the Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos (AFIP) on behalf of a third-party:

  • Gross income withholding (document type $B).

  • Profit withholdings (document type $G).

  • Contractor withholdings (document type $S).

  • VAT withholdings (document type $I).

  • Eventual withholdings (document type $A).

The Print PCG Detail - ARG report is not generated if:

  • The payment amount is negative.

  • Another payment group is waiting for processing or updating.

  • The setup for RG 726 is missing.

Country-specific payment group information is saved in these tables:

  • F04572 Tag Table – ARG (F760472A).

    This table contains one record for each payment group payment.

  • Detail Information Tag Table – ARG (F760473A).

    This table contains one record for each tax withholding for individual payments.

For the standard Create Payment Control Groups program to access country-specific information, you must set up corresponding versions of:

  • Print PCG Detail - ARG (R760476A)

  • PO - PCG process - ARG (P76A570).

For example, if you are using version ZJDE0001 of the Create Payment Control Groups program, the system uses version ZJDE0001 of the PO - PCG process - ARG program.

Note: Payment accruals are stored in the Profit Withholding - Payments Done table (F760406A).