Understanding Vouchers for Credit Invoices

Vouchers require a credit invoice when these conditions are met:

  • The supplier has been classified (with an address book category code) as a credit invoice issuer.

    You specify the address book category code to use to identify credit invoice issuers in the General Constants program (P76A20).

  • The gross invoice amount exceeds the required minimum amount that is specified in the General Constants program.

  • The payment terms are not listed in the Payment Terms code (76A/TP) UDC table.

    This UDC lists payment terms that do not require a credit invoice.

When you enter a voucher that meets these requirements, the system modifies the tax area of the voucher and replaces it with a similar percentage tax area that charges a transitory account. You set up these tax areas using the AP Tax Areas Relationship program (P76A25).

After the voucher is entered, you can enter the credit invoice.