
Use these processing options to specify how the system prints and reprints tax invoices and adjustment notes.

1. Report Mode

Specify whether you want to run the report in proof mode, update mode, or reprint mode. Running the report in proof mode does not update the F75A200 table. Values are:

Blank: Run the report in proof mode.

1: Update mode.

2: Reprint mode.

Note: When you run the report in reprint mode, you must enter the print control reference number of the original adjustment note in the Print Control Reference processing option.
2. Print Control Reference.

Specify the print control reference number of the original GST tax invoice or adjustment note that you are reprinting if you are reprinting an adjustment note.

3. Invoice Selection

Specify the types of invoices that you want to create. Values are:

1: Create sales invoices and AR invoices.

2: Create AR invoices only.

4. Document Type 1, 5. Document Type 2, 6. Document Type 3, 7. Document Type 4, and 8. Document Type 5

Specify the document type that you want to use to select the transactions for which you are creating GST tax invoices.

9. Adjustments

Specify whether to create adjustment notes for tax invoices. When you pay an invoice, you should create an adjustment record if a discount is taken or if the invoice is underpaid. These adjustments necessitate a write-off and must be reported to the Australian Tax Office (ATO) as adjustments to the original invoice.

Values are:

Blank: Do not create.

1: Create.