Print Format

1. Format Payee Name

Specify whether the system prints the payee name on one or two lines of the cheque. Values are:

Blank or 1: If you complete the Type Code processing option with a valid value from the Type Code (01/W0) UDC table, the system prints one line of text that consists of a concatenation of a mailing name (data item MLNM) and professional title (data item ATTL) for the type code that you specified. The system prints the first 60 characters of the concatenated value. If you leave the Type Code processing option blank or enter a value that does not exist in the Type Code (01/W0) UDC table, the system prints one line of text that consists of the first 60 characters of the mailing name for record 0 in the Address Book - Who's Who table (F0111).

2: If you complete the Type Code processing option with a valid value from the Type Code (01/W0) UDC table, the system prints two lines of text that consist of a mailing name on one line and a professional title on the second line for the type code that you specified. The system prints up to 40 characters for each line. If you leave the Type Code processing option blank or enter a value that does not exist in the Type Code (01/W0) UDC table, the system prints one line of text that consists of the first 60 characters of the mailing name for record 0 in the Address Book - Who's Who table (F0111).

2. Type Code

Specify whether the system uses the default value for the mailing name or uses a mailing name that consists of a combination of the mailing name and professional title that is based on the type code of the record. If more than one record for the payee exists in the Address Book - Who's Who table (F0111), the system uses the type code from the record with the lowest value in the Line Number (LNID) field. If no type code exists for the payee, the system uses the mailing name for record 0 in table (F0111). You must enter a value other than Blank to make the system merge the mailing name and professional title fields. Values are hard-coded.

3. Literal Amount Lines

Specify whether the system prints the literal amount on two or three lines, if needed. The literal amount is an English-language representation of the payment amount in words. When you set this processing option to use three lines, the system prints up to 150 characters. When you set this processing option to use two lines, the system prints up to 100 characters. If the amount in words exceeds the allowed character count, the system prints the amount in its numerical representation. Values are:

Blank or a value other than 3: The system prints the literal amount on two lines.

3: The system prints the literal amount on three lines.