Block 0

Accountant Address Number

Enter the address book number of the accountant.

Accountant Inscription Number

Enter the inscription number of the accountant responsible for submitting the tax files.

Substitute Contributor Address

Enter the address book number of the substitute contributor. A substitute contributor is someone who pays the taxes in the name of the company.

The system writes the address book number to register 0015 of block 0.

Version Layout Code

Enter a value that exists in the Code of Layout Version UDC table (76B/VO) to specify the tax reporting version to be used.

Fiscal Presentation Type

Enter a value that exists in the Fiscal Presentation Type UDC table (76B/FP). The system writes the value from the UDC table to the IND_PERFIL field in register 0000 in block 0.

Activity Code

Enter a value that exists in the Activity Code UDC table (76B/AC). The system writes the value from the UDC table to the IND_ATIV field in register 0000 in block 0.

Type Code

Enter a value that exists in the Type Code UDC table (01/W0) to specify the type of address book record that the system uses to retrieve information about the reporting entity.