Block 0 Registers for SPED Accounting

The system writes records for block 0 registers in the electronic file that you send for SPED accounting reporting when you run the Block 0 Generation program (R76B952) from the SPED Job Administrator program (P76B940).

Block 0 contains company information, including company registration numbers and subsidiary and participant information. The system reads these table to obtain the data for block 0 registers:

  • Address Book Master (F0101)

  • Address Book - Who's Who (F0111)

  • Address by Date (F0116)

  • Address Book Brazilian Tag Table (F76011)

  • Address Book Inscription - BR (F76B140)

  • Legal Company Constants - BR (F76B010)

  • Legal Company - Subsidiaries (F76B015)

  • Ato Cotepe Header Blocks Template (F76B0730)

  • Ato Cotepe Detail Blocks Template (F76B0731)

  • SPED Jobs - BR (F76B940)

  • SPED Book Type Definition Tag File F76B935 (F76B0935)

  • Legal Company Constants Tag File F76B010 (F76B0010)

  • ECD Type - Tag File F76B010 (F76B010T)

  • SCP Identification and Name (F76B045)

This table describes the contents of the registers for block 0:


Description of Contents

Compliance and Occurrence


Flat File Opening and Company Identification

Includes information about the date of the file and company information from the company address book record and related tables.

One only register 0000 must be present in the electronic file.


Block 0 Opening

Includes a hard-coded value to indicate that records exist in the block.

One only register 0001 must be present in the electronic file.


Others Company Registers Inscriptions

Includes company registration information that you enter in a Brazil-specific address book program.

One or more register 0007 must be present in the electronic file.


Decentralized Accounting Bookkeeping

Includes information about the legal company from the Legal Company Constants table (F76B010), and company information for subsidiaries.

This register must be present in the electronic file if the company uses decentralized bookkeeping.

Multiple registers 0020 can exist in the electronic file.


SCP Identification

Includes information about the ostensible partners. The system only generates this register if the ECD type for the company is set to 1. The system obtains this information from the SCP Identification and Name table (F76B045).

This register must be present in the electronic file if the company has ostensible partners.

Multiple records can exist in register 0035 in the electronic file.


Participant Register Table

Includes information about the subsidiaries or related participants of a company from the Legal Company - Subsidiaries table (F76B015), and inscription, or registration, information from the Address Book Inscription table (F76B140).

This register must be present in the electronic file if the company has qualifying subsidiaries or participants.

Multiple registers 0150 can exist in the electronic file.


Participant Relationship Identification

Includes information about the subsidiaries or related participants of a company from the F76B015 table.

This register includes one record for each record in the 0150 register.

Multiple registers 0180 can exist in the electronic file.


Block 0 Closing

Includes the total number of lines for block 0.

One only register 0990 exists in the electronic file.

This register is generated by the Block 9 Generation program (R76B995).