Blocks, Registers, and UBEs for FCont Reporting

The FContreporting process consists of generating data for reporting and then sending that data to the government.

The data that you generate includes:

  • Blocks

    Blocks include groupings of registers with similar information. For example, block M includes fiscal register information.

  • Registers

    Registers include records, which are detailed information for each register. Oracle programming creates all of the registers for the blocks that it generates, but populates the detailed information for only required data that resides in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables.

    For example, registers for block I include costs center information (register I100) and accounting journal information (register I200).

  • Records

    Records are the details of the information for the register.

    For example, register M020 (Juridic person qualification) includes both the juridic person qualification and the file emission type, and also other information.

You use the FCONT Blocks Initial Setup program (R76B838) to generate the blocks, the registers for the blocks, and to populate the fields for the registers for which data resides in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables. If you set up the Block Setup program (P76B0730) with custom programs, the system also generates blocks, registers, and records for which you run your custom programs.

After you generate the data and you process the report using the FCONT SPED Job Administrator program (P76B940), you can review the text files and copy the text files to media that you submit to the government.