Business Unit Reporting Code 30 (00/01 - 00/30)

The Generate ICMS Magnetic Files - Sintegra program (R76B201) and the IN86-Filter for Inventory Records program (R76B100B) require that you set up a branch/plant category code with values to store inventory status information. For example, you might set up UDC 00/30 as the Business Unit Reporting Code 30 UDC.

The Branch/Plant (Business Unit) Category Code processing option uses the Business Unit Reporting Code 30 to determine how to process inventory records.

This table shows the valid values for the Business Unit Reporting Code 30 UDC:




Prod./ownership is Company


Prod./ownership is Company


Prod. at Supp./Company owns


Prod at Co./Supplier owns

After you set up a UDC category code with the Business Unit Reporting Code 30 values, you must associate a value from the UDC to the business units for which you report IN86, IN89, or ICMS data.