Category Code Name/Code (76/CN)

You can set up address book and item category codes for use in Brazilian tax calculations. Brazilian localization reserves seven category codes in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system and the item tables. To avoid conflicting with the category codes that are already in use, localization dynamically allocates the category codes that it requires.

Brazilian localization requires that seven category codes be set up. In UDC table 76/CN, each category code has a hard-coded name that the program uses to establish a relationship with the category code variable in the tables.

You set up UDCs for:

  • Address book category codes

  • Item Nature and Item Branch/Plant category codes

  • Identification of category codes that store information that is specific to Brazil

These category codes in UDC table 76/CN are hard-coded for Brazil localization:

User-Defined Code


MARKUP - AC30 (Address Book)

Address Book ICMS Substitution Markup Level Indicator

Set up to indicate the ICMS Substitution Markup level of a customer or supplier.

N: Do not print markup.

Y: Print free-zone markup.

NATUR - SRP6 (Item/Branch)

Item Nature Indicator

Set up to link the item category code that is selected to represent the item nature in the Brazilian localization.

1: Manufactured product (Brazil)

2: Purchased product (Brazil)

AZONE - SRP8 (Item/Branch)

Free-Zone Discount Indicator

Set up to indicate whether free-zone discounts apply to an item.

*: Default Markup (Brazil)

111: Supermarket (BR)