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1. Status for processing (From):

Specify the From Status code range that the system uses for nota fiscal selection. You must enter a status that has been set up in the UDC list of the order activity rules based on the order type and the line type that you are using. The combination of Status From and Status Thru must be a valid last status/next status combination in the Order Activity Rule list (40/AT).

2. Status for processing (To):

Specify the To Status code range that the system uses for nota fiscal selection. You must enter a status that has been set up in the UDC list of the order activity rules based on the order type and the line type that you are using. The combination of Status From and Status Thru must be a valid last status/next status combination in the Order Activity Rule table (40/AT).

3. Status for update:

Specify the next step in the order process. You must use a UDC (40/AT) that has been set up on the Order Activity Rules form for the order type and the line type that you are using. The override status is another allowed step in the process.

4. PIS Line Type

Specify the line type that the system writes to the F43121 table for PIS/PASEP tax credits. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses BP as the line type.

5. COFINS Line Type

Specify the line type that the system writes to the F43121 table for COFINS tax credits. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses BC as the line type.

6. Flexible Accounting (9.2 Update)

Use this processing option to specify whether flexible accounting is activated.

Valid values are:

1 - Activate flexible accounting

Blank - Do not activate flexible accounting