Brazil Tax Information

Specify the tax code that the system uses to determine the tax rate for the vouchers being processed. The system applies the tax rate that is associated with the tax code in the F76B0401 table. If you do not complete this processing option, the system uses this hierarchy to determine the tax to apply:

  1. The purchase use code in the F76432 table.

  2. The tax code in the F76011 table for the supplier.

Minimum Amount to Withhold

If using Withholding Method 2 for the sale of services, enter the minimum amount on which the system calculates withholding. The system calculates withholding taxes for a supplier only when the total of the vouchers processed for the supplier exceeds this amount.

Pay Status Code - COFINS

Specify a value from the Pay Status Code (00/PS) UDC table that indicates the pay status of the pay item created to offset the withholding amount.