Contents of Block C Registers

The system writes records for block C to registers that the system includes in the electronic file that you send for tax reporting. This table describes the contents of the registers.



Compliance and Occurrence

C001 (Opening block C)

Includes information about the block.

This register must be present in the electronic file.

One record exists in this register.

C100 (Notas fiscais services)

Includes information about electronic notas fiscais (NFe). The information is based on the F7611B, F7601B, F76101B, and F76B01TE tables.

Multiple records can exist for the register.

C110 (Supplemental information)

Includes supplemental information for notas fiscais. The information is based on the F7601B table.

Multiple records can exist for each record in the C100 register.

C113 (Referenced fiscal document)

Includes information about the fiscal document based on information in the F76101B table.

Multiple records can exist for each record in the C100 register.

C130 (ISSQN, IRRF, and Social Security)

Includes information about the ISSQN, IRRF, and Social Security taxes based on information in the F7611B and F76101B tables.

One record only exists for each record in the C100 register.

C140 (Invoices)

Includes information about invoices based on information in the F7611B and F76101B tables.

One record only exists for each record in the C100 register.

C141 (Invoice due date)

Includes information about the invoice due date based on information in the F7601B and F03B11 tables.

Multiple records can exist in this register for each record in the C140 register.

C160 (Transported volumes)

Includes information based on the F76101B table.

One record only exists for each record in the C100 register.

C170 (Document details)

Includes information based on the F76111B and F7611B tables.

Multiple records exist for each record in the C100 register.

C172 (ISSQN operations)

Includes information based on the F76111B and F7611B tables.

One record can exist for each record in the C170 register.

C179 (ST Supplemental information)

Includes information from the F7611B table.

One record only exists for each record in the C170 register.

C190 (Document Analytic Register)

Includes information from the F76111B and F7611B tables.

Multiple records exist for each record in the C100 register.

C990 (End block C)

Includes information about block C.

This register must be present in the electronic file; the system inserts this register when you run the SPED Fiscal - Block 9 Control & Join program (R76B0860).

One record exists in this register.