Contents of Block E Registers for Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006

The system writes records for block E to registers that the system includes in the electronic file that you send for tax reporting. This table describes the contents of the registers.



Compliance and Occurrence

E001 (Opening block E)

Includes information about the block.

This register must be present in the electronic file.

One record is in this register.

E020 (Fiscal note header)

Includes information about the notas fiscais based on the F76101B table.

Numerous records can be in this register.

E025 (Analytic document)

Includes information about the notas fiscais based on the F76111B table.

Numerous records can be in this register for each record in the E020 register.

E300 (Period of verification for ICMS)

Includes information about the reporting period for which ICMS records are reported.

The system groups the records by the transaction nature code, sums the specified fields, and generates the E310 register with the amount totals for the records.

One record is in this register.

E310 (Values for ICMS by CFOP)

Includes information about nota fiscal items, summed by the CFOP.

Numerous records can be in this register for each record in the E300 register.

E320 (Values of ICMS by UF)

Includes information about nota fiscal items summed by UF (state codes).

The system groups the records by the state code, identifies the records as procurement or sales records, and sums the amount field.

Numerous records can be in this register for each record in the E300 register.

E330 (Value of input and output)

Includes information about ICMS and IPI. The information is for the period and is separated by:

  • Procurement transactions from the same state

  • Procurement transactions from the other states

  • Procurement transactions from imported items

  • Total of the procurement transactions

  • Sales transactions to the same state

  • Sales transactions to other states

  • Sales transactions to exports

  • Total of sales transactions

Numerous records can be in this register for each record in the E300 register.

E340 (ICMS verification adjust)

Includes information about adjustments made to ICMS amounts.

Numerous records can be in this register for each record in the E300 register.

E350 (ICMS to pay)

Includes information about the ICMS payment, such as amount and due date.

Numerous records can be in this register for each record in the E300 register.

E500 (Period of verification IPI)

Includes information about the period reported. The system writes this information based on the period identified in the extraction program.

One record exists for the period.

E510 (Values of IPI by CFOP and IPI code)

Includes information about the value of IPI sorted by the period, CFOP, and IPI, and summed by the CFOP.

Numerous records can be in this register for each record in the E500 register.

E520 (IPI verification adjust)

Includes information about credit and debit adjustments.

Numerous records can be in this register for each record in the E500 register.

E530 (IPI verification)

Includes information about the nota fiscal items based on data in the F76B102 and F76B103 tables.

Numerous records can be in this register for each record in the E500 register.

E990 (end block E)

Includes information about block E.

This register must be present in the electronic file; the system inserts this register when you run the Electronic Reporting Join Blocks Process program (R76B0640).

One record is in this register.