Contents of Block H Registers for Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006

The system writes records for block H to registers that the system includes in the electronic file that you send for tax reporting. This table describes the contents of the registers.



Compliance and Occurrence

H001 (Opening block H)

Includes information about the block.

This register must be present in the electronic file.

One record is in this register.

H020 (Total of inventory)

Includes information about the period analyzed for the inventory and the value of the inventory. This information is the sum of the values of the inventory of each item included in register H025.

One record is in this register.

H025 (Inventory)

Includes information about the quantity and value of each item based on the F4101, F76411, F7606B, F41112, F76B102, and F76B103 tables.

Numerous records can be in the H025 register for the records in the H020 register.

H200 (Stock control)

Includes information about the stock movement of each item based on the F4111 table.

Numerous records can be in this register.

H230 (Work order)

Includes information about work orders based on the F4801 table.

Numerous records can be in this register.

H235 (Work order components)

Includes information about the components used in the work orders based on the F3111 table.

Numerous records can be in this register.

H250 (Industrialization return)

Includes information about components returned during the manufacturing process.

The system includes this information in the file when the beginning characters of the CFOP (transaction nature code) in the nota fiscal are 19 or 29.

Numerous records can be in this register.

H255 (Industrialization send)

Includes information about components sent during the manufacturing process.

The system includes this information in the file when the beginning characters of the CFOP (transaction nature code) in the nota fiscal are 59 or 69.

Numerous records can be in this register.

H990 (End block H)

Includes information about block H.

This register must be present in the electronic file; the system inserts this register when you run the Electronic Reporting Join Blocks Process program (R76B0640).

One record is in this register.