Creating Relationships Between Import Declarations and Nota Fiscais

Access the Import Declarations Relationships Revisions form.

Select the import declarations that you want to associate with the inbound or outbound NFe and click Select.

A single Nota Fiscal can have a maximum of 100 Import Declarations associated. If the quantity of import declarations associated to a NFe exceeds 100, an error message is displayed. Even though this validations is currently set to 100 due to legal requirements, it is configurable.

Each import declaration can have a maximum of 100 additions associated. If the quantity of additions associated to an import declaration exceeds 100, an error message is displayed. This value is also configurable.

To set up an import declaration, select Create Declaration from the Row menu on the Work With Import Declarations Relationships form and the system displays the Import Declarations Revisions form.

If a nota fiscal corresponds to a sales order, you must run the Generate Nota Fiscal report (R76558B) before you can create a relationship between an import declaration and a nota fiscal. For a standalone nota fiscal, you can create a relationship between the import declaration and nota fiscal when you enter the standalone nota fiscal.

The system creates a record in the Nota Fiscal Import Relationship table (F76B018).