Credit Card Information (76B/A1)

If your company works with fiscal notes for end consumer transactions (NFC-e), you must specify the credit card company when you process credit card transactions. The credit card information that the system reports must use specific values that the fiscal authority assigns to the different credit card companies.

Set up this UDC table to associate the codes assigned to credit card companies in the Credit Card Type UDC (00/CA) to the codes that the regulation assigns to those same entities.

Use the Code field to enter the value that you assign to the credit card company in the Credit Card Type UDC (00/CA) table. Enter the code that the Brazilian fiscal regulation assigns to the credit card company in the Special Handling Code field. Use the Description 02 to relate this data to the Address Book record for the credit card entity field. The system uses this information to identify the fiscal ID number (the CNPJ) for the credit card company. This field and the SHC field are required and cannot be left blank.

For example, you might set up these codes:


Description 01

Description 02

Special Handling Code


VISA Credit Card




MasterCard Credit Card




American Express Credit Card




Sorocred Credit Card



Note: (Release 9.2 Update) As per the inclusion rules stated for tband which is part of the NotaFiscal (NF-e or NFC-e) XML, 76B/A1 UDC must have credit/debit card brand codes as included in the national portal. Special Handling code from this UDC will be used to populate the tband.