
1. NF-e Legal Serie

Specify the nota fiscal legal series number. This field is required. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses zero values.

2. Invoice Document Type

Enter a value from UDC table 00/DI that identifies the invoice document type. The value that you enter must also exist in UDC table 00/DT. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses RI for the invoice document type.

3. Issue Date

Specify the date that the system uses for the issue date of the nota fiscal. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the system date.

4. DANFE print format

Enter a value that specifies the page orientation of the DANFe report. The default orientation is portrait.

5. NF-e emission type

Enter a valid value from the NF-e Emission Type UDC (76B/ET) table to identify the XML transmission method.

6. Environment Identification

Enter a value that identifies the environment. Values are:

1: Production (default)

2: Certification

7. NF-e Emission Purpose

This processing option is now obsolete.

8. NF-e Emission Process

Enter a value that specifies the NFe process identification. Values are:

0: Contributor NF-e emission application (Default)

1: Fiscal Authority NF-e emission

2: NF-e Authority by fiscal authority web application

3: Contributor NF-e emission with fiscal authority application

9. Process Emission NFe Application - Version Number

Enter the version number that the system populates in the verProc field of the XML file.

The default value is 2.0.2.

10. ICMS Base Calculation Determination Modality

Enter the ICMS base calculation method that the system populates of the modBC field in the XML file. Values are:

0: Value-added gap (%)

1: Rule (value)

2: Maximum price (value)

3: Operation Value (default)

11. ICMS ST Base Calculation Determination Modality

Enter the ICMS ST base calculation method that the system populates of the modBCST field in the XML file. Values are:

0: Tabled price at the maximum suggested.

1: Negative List (value)

2: Positive List (value)

3: Neutral List (value)

4: Value Added Margin (%)

5: Rule (value) (default)

12. Tributary Regimen Code

Specify the tributary regimen code. Values are:

1: National simples. (default)

2: National simples – excess limit of gross revenue.

3: Normal regime (v2.0)

13. Layout Version Number

Select a value from the Version Number UDC (76B/VN) table to specify the layout version that the system uses to generate the NFe XML file and DANFe. Values are:

2.00: Version 2.00

3.10: Version 3.10

The default value is 2.00.

14. Contingency Reason Code

Select a code from the Print Message UDC table (40/PM) that indicates the contingency reason. The system requires this information when the emission type indicates you are generating an NFe XML using a contingency method.

If you are generating a lot of NFes, the system verifies that there is a contingency reason code associated to every Contingency NFe in the lot.

15. Integration Type for Payment (Release 9.2 Update)

Enter a value from the Integration Type for Payment (76B/PS) UDC table to specify whether the payment is integrated with the company's automation system. The system writes the value from this processing option in the tpIntegra tag withing the Card section of the XML file for consumer notas fiscais (NFC-e) only.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the default value 1 (payment is integrated).