
Use the processing options on this tab to specify the values for which you create classification codes in the IPI taxes table (F76B18). In addition to the classification codes, the F76B18 table includes values for the IPI tax and the IPI reduction; and codes used in the fiscal books for ICMS and IPI taxes.

Create Fiscal Classification (F76B18) Y/N

Enter Y (yes) to have the system create fiscal classification codes in the IPI Taxes table (F76B18).


Specify the IPI tax for which you update the classification code in the F76B18 table.

IPI Reduction

Enter the IPI reduction amount.

Code - ICMS Reporting Column

Enter a code from the ICMS Code - Fiscal Value (76/II) UDC table that specifies whether the classification code is for taxable transactions.

Code - IPI Reporting Column

Enter a code from the ICMS Code - Fiscal Value (76/II) UDC table that specifies whether the classification code is for taxable transactions.