
1. Environment Identification

Enter the value that identifies the environment. The system populates this value in the tpAmb field of the XML file. Values are:

1: Production

2: Certification.

2. Indicate Line number in system 76B to assign the Lot Number

Enter the line number for the next numbering scheme that you set up for lots for system 76B. You set up next numbering schemes in the Next Numbering by System program (P0002). If you do not complete this processing option, the system uses a value of 4.

3. envEvento Xml Layout Version

Specify the envEvento XML layout version that you submit. The default version number is 1.00. The system prints the value that you enter to the

4. evento Xml Layout Version

Specify the XML layout version to use to format the XML output. The system prints this value to the HP04 field in the XML file.

5. infEvento Xml Layout Version

Specify the XML layout version to use to format the XML output. The system prints this value to the HP05 field in the XML file.

6. detEvento Xml Layout Version

Enter the version. The system writes the value to the HP16 and HP18 fields in the XML file.

7. Event Receiving Organization

Enter a code from the NFe IBGE UF Code (76B/UF) UDC table to specify the receiving organization. If you do not complete this processing option, the system uses 91 (national). The system writes the value from this processing option to the HP08 field of the XML file.

8. Cancel Event Description

The system writes the value from this processing option to the HP19 field in the XML file. The default value is Cancelamento.

9. Cancel Event Code

Specify the cancel event code. The default value is 110111.

10. Layout Version Number

Enter a value from the Layout Version Number UDC (76B/VN) table to the layout version that the system uses to generate the NFe XML file and DANFe.