
1. Nota Fiscal Series

Enter the nota fiscal series that the system uses when it creates nota fiscal records. The nota fiscal series that you enter must exist in the Nota Fiscal Next Number Control (F7600B) table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses 00 for the nota fiscal series.

2. Document Type

Enter a UDC (00/DT) to identify the type of nota fiscal document that the system uses when it creates nota fiscal records. The value you enter must exist in the document type - all documents (00/DT) UDC. The same code must also exist in the document type - invoices only (00/DI) UDC. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses NS for the document type.

3. Nota Fiscal Type

Enter a code that specifies the preferred nota fiscal that the system uses when generating Notas Fiscais. Values are:

0: Classical

1: Electronic

When using the electronic nota fiscal option as the preferred type, verify that the nota fiscal type set in the Nota Fiscal Serie and Numbers Length (P76B008) program is also marked as electronic (NF Electronic Apply option).

4. NFe Additional Information

Enter a valid value from the Transaction Type UDC (70/TY) table to specify the fiscal type model that the system uses for the electronic Notas Fiscais for end-consumer transactions.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the fiscal type BRNFI-CF.

5. Classical Legal Model Type

Specify a value from the Nota Fiscal Model Type UDC (76B/MT) table that indicates the nota fiscal legal model type that the system uses when generating classical notas fiscais.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system assigns the legal model type according to the relationship in the Nota Fiscal Series and Number Length (P76B008) program. If the relationship does not exist, the system uses 01 as the preferred value.

6. ICMS Tax in PIS/COFIN Basis (Release 9.2 Update)

Blank: Consider ICMS tax in PIS/COFIN Basis

ICMS tax value will be subtracted from PIS/COFIN basis calculation.

1: Do not consider ICMS tax in PIS/COFIN Basis

ICMS tax value will not be subtracted from PIS/COFIN basis calculation.