Document Type - All Documents (00/DT)

You set up document types so that you can identify, group, and process similar transactions.

In addition to the hard-coded document types that are used throughout the software, you can set up document types that are based on your specific business needs. For example, you might set up these document types for Brazil:


Description 01


Purchasing Nota Fiscal


Non Stock Nota Fiscal


Nota Fiscal Sales


Ship From Nota Fiscal Return

To process INSS taxes, you must set up special handling codes for the Brazil-specific document types to specify an operation type and to create a cross-reference between the two-character document types that JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software uses and the three-character Brazilian document types.

Set up the special handling code with three or four characters. The system uses the first character to determine the operation type of the transaction, and uses characters 2, 3, and 4 to determine the Brazil-specific document type.

For example, you might set up a document type for a nota fiscal with a special handling code of CDUP in which C represents the operation type for an accounts payable voucher or an accounts receivable invoice and the characters DUP represent a document type that exists in the Document Type INSS - Brazil (76B/DT) UDC table. You must assign as characters 2, 3, and 4 a document type that appears in the 76B/DT UDC table.

This example illustrates a possible document type and special handling code:


Description 01

Special Handling


Purchasing Nota Fiscal


Note: When you assign a code for a Nota Promissória, enter NP for characters 2 and 3, and leave character 4 blank.

If you do not set up special handling codes for Brazil-specific document types, the system uses these values when you process records for INSS taxes:

Operation Type

The system assigns these values:

  • C: Accounts payable vouchers and accounts receivable invoices.

  • P: Accounts payable payments.

  • R: Accounts Receivable receipts.

INSS Document Type

The system assigns these values:

  • The second, third, and fourth positions of the Special Handling Code of the Nota Fiscal Document Type (00/DT).

  • If the second, third, and fourth positions of the Special Handling Code are blank, the system assigns the Nota Fiscal Document Type.

Important: The system does not validate the characters that you enter in the Special Handling Code field. To ensure accurate data for INSS tax reporting, you must ensure that the characters are valid and enter the four characters in the correct order.