Due Date Rules for IR Taxes

You set up due date rules for IR for each month that begins on a different day of the week or that has a different number of days. For example, February and March of 2005 both begin on a Tuesday, but you must set up a different due date rule for February and for March because they have a different number of days.

The due date rule is a 4-digit code. To make recognizing what the code represents easier, you can set up due date rules that follow a recognizable pattern. For example, you might set up codes for the year 2005 according to this schedule:

Identity Tax

Month, Day, Day of the Week

Day of the Week

Due Date Rule Code

R = IR tax

Jan = 31, begins on Saturday

Feb = 28, begins on Tuesday

Mar = 31, begins on Tuesday

April = 30, begins on Friday

Sunday = 1

Monday = 2

Tuesday = 3

and so on

R731 = IR code for January

R328 = IR code for February

R331 = IR code for March

R630 = IR code for April