Entering Nota Fiscal Information for Ship-To Sales Returns

Access the Ship To Nota Fiscal Number form.

Nota Fiscal Type

Enter a value that exists in the Transaction Type (70/TY) UDC table to specify the type of notas fiscais. The system enables or disable fields on forms, and performs validations based on the value that you enter. You can specify a default value in the processing options for the Sales/Purchase Returns - Brazil program (P76B805).

For ship-to sales returns, only these hard-coded values are valid:

BRNFI-CL: NF Transaction Classical

BRNFI-CF: NFC-E End Consumer

BRNFI-NA: NFe Transaction National

Note: The system uses the values in the Special Handling Code field of the UDC value when you automatically process outbound sales transactions.
Nota Fiscal Legal Number

Specify the electronic nota fiscal number generated by the fiscal authority. For ship-to sales returns, you obtain this number from the nota fiscal that your customer sends to you with the returned goods. For national electronic notas fiscais and end consumer fiscal notes, this number has 9 digits.

Series Number

Specify the nota fiscal series number for national electronic notas fiscais (NFe) and for end consumer fiscal notes (NFC-e). For ship-to sales returns, you obtain this number from the nota fiscal that your customer sent to you with the returned goods. For national electronic notas fiscais and end consumer fiscal notes, the number is 3 characters.

Access Key

Enter the access key that is used to verify that the electronic nota fiscal number is valid. For ship-to sales returns, you obtain this number from the nota fiscal that your customer sent to you with the returned goods.

The Access Key field accepts the 44-digit numeric key for the national NFe and the end consumer NFC-e. The system validates your entry based on the nota fiscal type that you select.

For ship-to sales returns, the system enables the Access Key field only when you select BRNFI-NA or BRNFI-CF as the nota fiscal type.

N.F. Number (nota fiscal number)

For paper notas fiscais, enter the 6-character nota fiscal number for a classic nota fiscal. For ship-to sales returns, you obtain this number from the nota fiscal that your customer sent to you with the returned goods.

The system enables this field only when you select BRNFI-CL (classic nota fiscal) as the nota fiscal type.

For notas fiscais with a nota fiscal type of BRNFI-NA or BRNFI-CF the system automatically completes this field using the value from the Nota Fiscal Legal Number field.

N.F. Series (nota fiscal series)

Enter the 2-character nota fiscal series number for a classic nota fiscal. For ship-to sales returns, you obtain this number from the nota fiscal that your customer sent to you with the returned goods.

The system enables this field only when you select BRNFI-CL (classic nota fiscal) as the nota fiscal type.

For notas fiscais with a nota fiscal type of BRNFI-NA or BRNFI-CF the system automatically completes this field using the value from the Series Number field.

Document Type

Enter a value from the UDC 00/DT to specify the document type of the return nota fiscal. For example, you might set up the value of ND for this type of nota fiscal. The system uses the document type that you specify when it creates the record for the sales return in the Nota Fiscal Detail (F7611B), Nota Fiscal Header (F7601B), NFEs Header (F76B01TE), and Sales Return Ship To- Fiscal Note Numbers (F76B425) tables. The value that you enter must exist in UDCs 00/DT and 00/DI.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses NS for the document type.

Issue Date

Enter the date of the nota fiscal that is given to you with the returned goods.